Election 2024:
What programs should the candidates for government office plan
for the people with disabilities?

Rules and Regulations:
- The competition is entirely free of charge.
- Participants are individuals or groups (maximum 3 people).
- Write a short essay with your opinion in Balinese with a length of 80—100 words.
- The essay should be plagiarism-free.
- Upload your essay on the BASAbali Wiki page. Click here to enter the Wikithon page, and click “Create and Entry for the Wikithon”.
- Make sure you are logged in first. Check here if you need help creating an account/log-in.
Complete the available fields, such as:
- Title for your work. Make it as unique/creative as possible in Balinese and Indonesian (English are optional).
- Write your name in the “Author(s)” field (you can use a pseudonym if you don’t want to use your real name).
- Write the origin of your agency, organization, community, school, or campus in the “Affiliation” field.
- Select the competition category you want to participate in the “Category” drop-down menu column.
- A representative image or photograph (will be the cover/thumbnail of your entry). You can use any photo or image that has been authorised.
- Write the source/owner of the image in the “Reference for Photograph” field.
- Upload the short essay you have written in the “Balinese Description” field.
- Click the “Topic” field and select “Voice of Disabilities”.
- Make a short 1-sentence summary of your work in the “Summary” field.
- Remember to “Save Page” and click the Red Box containing the text “Participate in Wikithon”.
If you have uploaded your work, click bit.ly/WppPemilihanUmum2 to get a participant certificate.
The winner will be announced on BASAbali Wiki’s official social media pages on October 28, 2023.
Remember to vote and share your work to win the favorite winner category and comment for the best comment category. For your information, the winner of the favorite category in the previous Wikithon will not be involved again in determining the favorite winner in the next Wikithon.
Click here for voting and commenting procedures on Wikithon entries!
- Single Winner: Rp 1,250,000 + trophy + certificate
- Single Winner: Rp 1,000,000 + trophy + certificate
Rp 800,000
The favorite Winner is determined based on the number of votes on the respective entry page obtained during the voting session. Voting can start right after the participant has uploaded the work. Participants can share the entry link to get as many votes as possible.
Rp 1,000,000
This category is reserved for two BASAbali Wiki’s life participants (respondents). Each winner will receive Rp 500.000 in cash along with a certificate.
Winner: Rp1,000,000 + trophy + certificate
Runner-up: Rp750,000 + trophy + certificate
3rd Place: Rp500,000 + trophy + certificate
This category can be followed by all prospective participants of the Public Participation Wikithon – Voices of Disability, by telling personal or other people’s experiences related to election and disability issues.
Rp 500,000
The public can add Balinese comments in the comment section of the participants’ the entry pages. Four most interesting and inspirative commentators will receive a cash prize of Rp 125,000 each.

Dr. drh. Luh Ayu Aryani, M.P.
Head of Bali Province Social, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Agency

Ni Ketut Ari Kesuma Dewi, S.S., M.A.
Academic/Director of Bali Sruti NGO

Ade Wirawan
Disability Activists
Should you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact us:
089 621 810 140 (Widya) || 085 333 036 844 (Ayus)
Good luck! #JegTulisGén
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