The Appreciation of The Preservation Commitment of BASAbali Wiki toward Balinese Language and Culture from US Consulate General in Surabaya
Watch Our Presentation at IEEE 2022, click here!

The IEEE Connecting the Unconnected Challenge is a new, global IEEE competition that solicits solutions from start-ups, grassroots organizations, universities, or anyone else that is working to bridge this digital divide in innovative ways.

The Smithsonian’s Mother Tongue Film Festival – Our National Geographic-supported animation of community developed superhero, Luh Ayu Manik Mas, was selected by the Smithsonian Mother Tongue Film Festival as an official selection in the category of animations. Our animation was also a Staff Pick and featured on their Indigenous Language Animation Playlist

UNESCO Confucious Prize for Literacy – The 2019 prize honors outstanding work in literacy and multilingualism.

Kerthi Bhuwana Sandhi – Government of Bali awarded us this award for using digital media to strengthen the language and culture of Bali.

Twitter Emoji for International Women’s Day along with our superhero Luh Ayu Manik Mas emoji

International Linguapax Award – Each year, Linguapax delivers an award on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day (21 February). According to Lingupax, “This prize is a tribute to outstanding action carried out in different areas in favour of the preservation of linguistic diversity, revitalization and reactivation of linguistic communities and the promotion of multilingualism.”

Semantic Media Wiki of the Month in February 2015