We create new norms of public participation and civic engagement by encouraging young people to publicly discuss key issues using local languages on community-developed online platforms.

our vision

A world where youth can freely speak out about civic issues and where government policies reflect the concerns and perspective of young people.

What we do

Public dialogue on civic issues

Through bimonthly wikithons and biweekly “What’s Up?” questions, we encourage young people to speak out about specific civic issues.  Policymakers, subject matter experts and the community vote and publicly respond.
Supporting Projects

The public can voice their opinion about education, public health, the economy, women’s empowerment, the environment or any other issue that they would like, in their local language.

Visit our community spaces:

BASAbali Wiki

BASAsulsel Wiki

Our Wikithons are a fun way to engage the community in contributing to our wiki. They engage schools, sponsors and a jury towards a grouped input into our knowledge base.

Have a look at our Wikithon pages:

BASAbali Wiki

BASAsulsel WIki

BASAkalimantan Wiki

Weekly questions that let everyone participate in civic discourse.


Our local languages wiki dictionaries provide translations in Indonesian and English.  The dictionaries provide videos and text using words in context through simple videos provided by the community and via entries in the public dialogue and cultural parts of the wiki.


Cultural wiki

The community defines sections — and the structure of those sections — most meaningful to it to document, share, and strengthen the community’s worldview, traditions, and knowledge.   The community has added artist directories, a people’s history, sections on visual and performative arts, and more.

Indonesian Superhero Luh Ayu

Modeled after traditional Indonesian shadow puppet storytellers and co-developed with the community and local artists, digital superhero Luh Ayu Manik Mas engages youth to take action to advance the sustainable development goals. 

Luy Ayu Manik Mas speaks directly to the public through her social media channels to empower young people to improve their natural and cultural environments. Her books are each in Balinese, Indonesian, and English.

Where we work

We started our work in Bali where we are organized as a registered NGO called BASAbali Wiki.  BASAbali Wiki is a collaboration of local artists, advocates, students, and scholars. We work closely with policymakers, teachers, and village leaders.

In partnership with the Rumata Foundation, our work in South Sulawesi includes a Wiki (BASASulSel Wiki, in Makassarese and Buginese), wikithons and workshops.

In 2024, we started collaborating with Akademi Bangku Panjang and Sanggar Belajar to start Wiki (BASAkalimantan Wiki) in South and East Kalimantan where Indonesia’s new capital (Nusantara) is being relocated.

Initiating - BASAntb Wiki

Partnering with Ecco Foundation in 2024, we are starting our replication project on the West Nusa Tenggara, where many enthusiastic local young people are eager to speak about public issues around them in their mother tongue.


Since 2014 our work has been recognized by

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0 %
Female participation

In the News

500 Buku Komik Indonesia Lengkapi Program Pendidikan Global di Washington DC, VoA Indonesia, December 6, 2020

Kaluihan sané Mapikenoh: Superhéro Bali Kawiwitin olih Krama, Smithsonian Folklife Magazine, December 4, 2020

Marvels with Purpose: A Balinese Superhero Powered by Community, Smithsonian Folklife Magazine, Dec 4, 2020

#AkuIndonesia 10: Lestarikan Bahasa Daerah, Budaya Tak Akan Punah, 10 Pemuda – Active Citizenship for Indonesia, October 26, 2020

BASA BALI JANI KENKEN??? | Portal Time #7, Bali Portal News TV, September 26, 2020

Indonesia Superhero – Read On!!,, September 2020

Melestarikan Bahasa Bali Melalui Komik,, August 22, 2020

Clara Listya Dewi, Storyteller and National Geographic Explorer, NatGeo, August 6, 2020

How Balinese Communities in Indonesia are Coping With The Covid-19 Pandemic,, July 30, 2020

Disruptions of literacy learning in Indonesia and Colombia due to COVID-19, UNESCO, July 15, 2020

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020 in Asia Pasific,, July 6, 2020

Penyebar Minat Buku Berbahasa Bali, Harian Kompas, April 30, 2020

Nala Antara : Dari Rumah Kembangkan Bahasa Bali,, March 30, 2020

Virtual Wikithon 2020, Lakukan Social dan Psychal Distancing Sambil Asah Kemampuan Berbahasa Bali,, March 29 2020

Kompetisi Virtual Wikithon 2020, Unjuk Kemampuan Berbahasa Bali Dari Rumah,, March 29, 2020

Preventive Care for Local Languages,, February 20, 2020

Indonesian superhero cartoon fights for the environment and the Balinese language,, February 19, 2020

Dukung Pelatihan Multilingual Bahasa, Pemerintah Amerika Serikat Siapkan 50 Trainer untuk 250 Guru,, February 6, 2020

Pemerintah AS Dukung “Multilingual Reading and Creative Writing Workshop” Untuk 250 Guru di Bali,, February 6, 2020

BASAbali Wiki on Radio, Expresso 88 Talkshow, January 30, 2020

BASAbali Wiki, Melestarikan Bahasa Bali di Era Digital,, January 16, 2020

Basabali Wiki: Kamus Daring Wiki Multimedia, VOA Indonesia Video, January 8, 2020

Di Akhir Tahun 2019, Koster Sampaikan Pidato Berikan Penghargaan Kerthi Bhuana Sandhi Nugraha,, December 20, 2019

KBRI Washington Fasilitasi Dialog dengan Kalangan Pemerhati Bahasa,, November 24, 2019

Pemerhati Bahasa di Amerika Dorong Pelestarian Bahasa Daerah,, November 24, 2019

VOA Gondangdia: Ikut Program Kepemimpinan di Amerika,, September 19, 2019

Gubernur Koster Ajak Generasi Milenial Akses BASAbali Wiki, Pos Bali, September 12, 2019

Aplikasi BASAbali Wiki Raih Penghargaan Literasi UNESCO 2019,, September 10, 2019

Aplikasi Digital Bahasa Bali Terima Penghargaan dari UNESCO,, September 10, 2019

BASAbali Wiki Raih Penghargaan Literasi Internasional dari UNESCO,, September 6, 2019

Balinese dictionary awarded UNESCO prize for literacy, The Jakarta Post, September 6,2019

Programme from Indonesia promoting linguistic diversity wins UNESCO literacy prize, UNESCO, September 4, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: BASAbali is Awarded the UNESCO’s International Literacy Award,, September 4,2019

UNESCO International Literacy Prizes and Literacy Day celebrations focus on multilingualism,, September 3, 2019

Dedikasi Wiki BASAbali, Bali Tribune, August 5, 2019

Learning the Local Tongue, E-Mag, NOW! Bali, July 2019

Asia Foundation Launches Modern Reading Challenge in Indonesia,, June 26, 2019

Diluncurkan, Kisah Kedua Superhero “Luh Ayu Manik Mas”, Pos Bali, June 26, 2019

Peluncuran Superhero Remaja “Luh Ayu Manik Mas” dengan kisah barunya: Ngae Perpustakaan Keliling,, June 19, 2019

Dedikasi Wiki BASAbali “Menjaga Bahasa Bali yang Relevan di Era Digital”, Bali Ekbis, June, 18 2019

Bali Memberi Teladan Pelestarian Bahasa Daerah, Kompasiana, June, 18 2019

Hiduplah Terus, Bahasa Bali,, May 6, 2019

Putri Suastini Koster Kagumi Mutu Sekolah Dwijendra Denpasar, News BaliTV, May 5, 2019

Apresiasi Bahasa Bali, Melestarikan Budaya,, May 5, 2019

Putri Koster: Mari Bangga Gunakan Bahasa Bali,, May 4, 2019

BASAbali Wiki Luncurkan Buku dan Karakter “Superhero” Prawireng Putri Bali,, May 4, 2019

In The Spotlight: BICARA BAHASA, DestinAsian Magazine Indonesia, April, 2019

Diskusi BASAbali Wiki di Radio Sonora Bali,, April 9, 2019

Our Bali Heroes: BASABALI, Now! Bali Magazine, March, 2019

Pelestarian Bahasa Bali Melalui Teknologi Digital ‘BASAbali Wiki’, Nusa Bali, March 19, 2019

Gubernur Koster Dukung Pelestarian Bahasa Bali Melalui Teknologi Digital “BASAbali Wiki”,, March, 18, 2019

Gubernur Dukung Lestarikan Bahasa Bali Melalui Teknologi Digital “BASAbali Wiki”,, March, 18, 2019

Telling Our Tales in Balinese, Bali Discovery, March, 17 2019

The Asia Foundation Works with Community to Add Balinese to Free Digital Library for Children, The Asia Foundation, February 27, 2019

BASAbali Wiki Dorong Pengenalan Bahasa Bali Lewat Penerjemahan Buku Cerita Bergambar,, February 25, 2019

Diterjemahkan, 48 Cerita Anak Berbahasa Indonesia, Pos Bali, February 25, 2019

50 Buku Diterjemahkan Dalam Bahasa Bali, Kompas, February 25, 2019

The year ahead: indigenous tongues, The Economist Espresso, December 29, 2018

BASAbali: Preserving Balinese in the Digital World, Bali Now!, December 17, 2018
Linguapax Award Ceremony to BASAbali, Linguapax, December 10, 2018

Hanging on Every Word: Efforts to Revitalise Indigenous Languages Get a Boost, The Economist, The World in 2019

Bali Wins Linguapax Award, Bali Travel News, November 29th, 2018

Proud to Preserve Local Language, Kata Bali, November 29th, 2018

The BASAbali Wiki Website Wins Linguapax Award, Redaksi Bali, November 28th, 2018 Wins International Award for Preservation of Local Languages, Kumparan Kanal Bali, November 28th, 2018

“Basabali Wiki” Won The International Award “Linguapax”, AntaraBali, November 28th, 2018

BASAbali Receives the Linguapax 2018 Award, Kompas Nusantara, November 28th, 2018

BASAbaliWiki Language and Culture Site Wins International Awards, Hallo Indo, November 28th, 2018

Bali Language Revitalization Initiative Wins International Award, Suara Bali, November 28th, 2018

This wiki is helping to keep the Balinese language alive in Indonesia, Association for Progressive Communications, November 27, 2018

Preserving Bali’s Water of Words, Wiki Bali Online Initiative Seeks to Preserve and Protect Bali’s Ancient Language Tradition, Bali Discovery, October 2018

This wiki is helping to keep the Balinese language alive in Indonesia, GlobalVoices, October 3, 2018

Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi: Bali’s Language Ambassador, Bali Advertiser, 2018

Penghargaan Penggiat Bahasa Bali, Bali Post, 27 July, 2018

Balinese, Meet Wikipedia Revitalizing a Local Language Online, Planet Word, July 25, 2018

Documentary about BASAbali by Old Dominion University Students, Old Dominion University, July 21, 2018

How the Internet Can Save Local Languages, ICTworks, May 28, 2018

Wikis Awaken Local Languages, Asia Views, April 2, 2018

Majalaran BASABali WIKI, Malajah Basa Bali Sayan Dangan, Bali Post (page 8), March 11, 2018

Acara Gendu Wirasa Sebagai Wadah Memperkuat Bahasa Bali Kamu, Masbrooo, February 27, 2018

BASAbali: lestarikanPelestarian Bahasa Bali Melalui Teknologi Digital Bahasa Bali melalui teknologi digital, Antara News Bali, February 26, 2018

Pelestarian Bahasa Bali Melalui Teknologi Digital, Bisnis Jakarta, February 26, 2018

Basa Bali, Sing Kenken, Bali Discovery, February 25, 2018

BASAbali wins International Linguapax Award 2018, Linguapax, February 21, 2018

Basa Bali Wiki: Kelangsungan Budaya Ada Ditangan Kalian, MSBR Magazine, January 23, 2018

Can the Internet Revitalize Local Languages? Stanford Social Innovation Review, January 12, 2018

How Facebook Can Revitalise Local Languages: Lessons from Bali. Journal of Multilingual and MultiCultural Development. Jan 18, 2017

Move Over Doorstops, Flower-Presses, and Step Ladders: Online Wiki Dictionaries are Helping Revitalize Balinese. Kula Magazine, Dec 25, 2016

Ami Lestari: Saving the Balinese Language, Bali Advertiser, November 2016

I Gde Nala Antara: Balinese Language Teacher, Bali Advertiser, June 2016

Badung Kampanyekan Dina Mabasa Bali, Nusa Bali, 29 Feb 2016

Ingin Belajar Bahasa Bali, Sekarang ada Software-nya, DetikNews, 14 February 2016

Preserving The Balinese Language For Generations To Come, Indonesia Expat, January 25, 2016

Kesadaran, Kompas, 6 December 2015

Festival Saraswati dan Perayaan Bahasa Bali, Bali TV, 3 December 2015

A Special Saraswati Day Celebration, The Jakarta Post, 3 December 2015

Saraswati Day in Bali, Indonesian Language Blog, November 30, 2015

The Rennaissance of BASAbali, Ubud Community, November 29, 2015

Cabup Cawabup Mesti Bisa Berbahasa Bali, Suara Bali, November 29, 2015

Yuk, Menduniakan Bahasa Bali, Nusa Bali, November 29, 2015

Puisi Saraswati ‘Live Streaming’ di 8 Negara, Tribune Bali, November 28, 2015

Increasing Awareness of the Balinese Language, Embassy of Indonesia, November 27, 2015

Enam Negara Akan Rayakan Hari Saraswati, Bali Post, November 22, 2015

Increasing Awareness of the Balinese Language, Bali Discovery, October 25, 2015

BASAbali, Kula, Vol #20, Oct-Dec, 2015.

Perayaan Dharma Shanti di Washington DC – Liputan Diaspora, Voice of America, May 22, 2015

How Can We Keep Earth’s 7000 Languages? Michael Quinlan, TEDx, April 21, 2015

Valuing Languages, Huffington Post, April 6, 2015

Nyurat Puisi, Singunggil Cihna Seneng Nyurat, Bali Post, edisi Bali Orti, 25 Januari 2015

BASAbali Ring Wikipedia, Pos Bali, Januari 4, 2015

BASAbali Go – Public, Pos Bali, Januari 4, 2015

BASAbali WIKI launches with “Learn Bahasa Bali” software, October 20, 2014, inBali

Radio Interview by Voice of America, October 17, 2014, 19:00-23:50

Making Yourself Understood in Bali: Balinese On-Line Wiki Dictionary Now Available, October 12, 2014, Bali Update, Bali

BASAbali launches digital dictionary to save Balinese Language, October 6, 2014, The Jakarta Post

Kamus Wiki Bali-Indonesia-Inggris Diluncurkan, October 6, 2014, Tempo

Social Media Helps Threatened Language Threatened by Social Media, October 2, 2014, Omniglot

Belajar Bahasa Bali Online, March 9, 2014, Tokoh

Alissa Stern – An American on a Mission to Share Balinese Language with the World, July 13, 2013, Bali Update, Bali

Denpasar to Set Up Balinese Language Laboratory, July 10, 2013, Bali Daily, The Jakarta Post

US Academic Develops Balinese Language Software, July 9, 2013, The Beat Daily

Warga AS Lestarikan Bahasa Bali Lewat Perangkat Lunak, July 8, 2013, Voice of America, Indonesia

The Renaissance of Basa Bali, May 25, 2013, Ubud Community

Healing Vibes Abound at Ubud’s Bali Spirit Festival, April 1, 2013, Jakarta Globe

Giving Back, Festival Outreach Projects, March 20-24, 2013, Bali Spirit Festival

Balinese Language Gets Easier, goes Google March 18, 2013, Bali Daily, The Jakarta Post

Rahajeng Kacunduk Ring Google! Balinese Language Now Searchable on, March 2013, Now! Bali

Technology Boost for the Balinese Language, Feb. 18, 2013, Bali Update

Wow, Basa Bali Ada di Google Indonesia, Feb. 16, 2013, Tempo Techno

Help Preserve the Dying Ancient Balinese Language, Feb. 15 2013,

Basa Bali Kini Tersedia di Google, Feb. 15, 2013, Techno Kompas

Google Now Supports Balinese Language, Feb. 15, 2013, TechinAsia

Transparent Language Contributes to Endangered Language Preservation Program, Feb. 14, 2013 PRWeb

Technology Gives New Spark to Minority Language, Feb. 9, 2013, in Ubud Community

New Resources for Balinese Language Learning, Jan. 2013 in The American Institute for Indonesian Studieswebsite.

Technology Gives New Spark to Minority Language, Jan. 1013 in Omniglot

Waving or Drowning: Basa Bali, September 2012 in The Bud

BASAbali, Dec. 2011 in Language Magazine

Om Swastiastu, Laetitia Chanéac-Knight, Dec. 2011 in La Gazette de Bali

Balinese: Language of Many Levels, Nov. 16, 2011 in The Economist

Losing Languages, Nov. 15, 2011 in Owl’s Farm

Red Flag for Balinese Language and How You Can Help: Highlight on, Ima Deville, Bali Advertiser, Nov. 2, 2011 (click on link and turn the pages until you reach the feature article)

Preserving the Balinese Language, Oct. 25, 2011 in

If You Want to Support Balinese, Oct. 16, 2011 in

More on Balinese, Oct 15, 2011 in

How You Can Help Save the Balinese Language: Important Initiative Underway to Create Balinese Language Course, Oct. 7, 2011, in