Ecofeminism in Luh Ayu Manik Mas Hero of the Forests

Deforestation is a serious threat for all creatures on earth. As its impacts may destroy various sectors, some women concern to the issue of that environmental damage. They bring the spirit of ecofeminism. This paper aims to discuss ecofeminism concept in a pictorial teen story Luh Ayu Manik Mas: Hero of the Forests. Based on its setting, Luh Ayu Manik as the Balinese girl, fights against deforestation and tries to do reforestation in Bali. Her sense of nurturing for environment is inspired by ecofeminism and Balinese environmental values. This analysis uses ecofeminism concept by Vandana Shiva and qualitative methods. The results are that patriarchy tends to triggers deforestation, while as a young lady, Luh Ayu Manik struggles to eradicate deforestation. She proves that woman is able to empower herself to fight against patriarchy that harm the environment. 

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Mini Wikithon Prakonferensi Pemuda Bali 2024 (ID)

Mini Wikithon Prakonferensi Pemuda Bali 2024

Menuju Konferensi Pemuda Bali 2024

Lomba menulis pendapat singkat berbahasa Bali tentang solusi terhadap permasalahan sosial di Bali

Waktu unggah karya:

18 — 20 April 2024 via website BASAbali Wiki

Topik Wikithon:

“Solusi apa yang kamu tawarkan untuk permasalahan di kabupaten/kotamu?”

Tata Cara Lomba:

  1. Lomba ini gratis, tanpa dipungut biaya apa pun.
  2. Peserta adalah individu.
  3. Karya berupa pendapat singkat berbahasa Bali (300 s.d. 500 kata).
  4. Karya harus bebas dari plagiarisme.
  5. Karya dapat disunting sampai tanggal 20 April 2024 pukul 23.59 WITA

Mini Wikithon – Youth Conference 2024 (EN)

Mini Wikithon Contest for Bali Youth Pre-Conference 2024

On the Road to Bali Youth Conference 2024

Short opinion writing competition on solutions to social issues in Bali, in the Balinese language.

Submission dateline: 

April 18–20, 2024 via BASABali Wiki website

Wikithon Topic:

“What solutions do you offer for the problems in your regency/city?”

Procedures of competition

  1. The competition is entirely free of charge.
  2. Contestants are individuals, not groups.
  3. Participants should write a 300-500-word short opinion in Balinese language.
  4. The submission must be plagiarism-free.
  5. Participants can edit their submission until April 20, at 23:59 (UTC +8).

Mini Wikithon Paguneman Yowana Bali 2024 (BA)

Mini Wikithon Paguneman Yowana Bali 2024

Nuju Paguneman Yowana Bali 2024

Lomba nulis panampén cutet mabasa Bali unduk solusi pakéweh sosial ané ada di Bali

Galah ngunggah sesuratan:

18–20 April 2024 via website BASAbali Wiki

Patitis Wikithon:

“Solusi apa ané nyidang nepasin pakéweh di kabupaten/kota nyamané?”

Tata-titi Lomba:

  1. Lomba ené gratis, tusing pesu prabea nang abedik.
  2. Pamiletné tuah adiri (individu)
  3. Karya marupa panampén cutet mabasa Bali (300 kanti 500 kruna)
  4. Karya tusing dadi nempa anak lén (bebas plagiarisme)
  5. Karya dadi katureksain kanti tanggal 20 April 2024 galah 23.59 WITA