Board Yayasan BASAbali Wiki
Here are some of the people behind BASAibu

Gde Nala Antara
Ketua Pembina
Gde Nala Antara is a lecturer at Balinese Literature Department of Udayana University since 1990. He is currently a part of Experts Commission of Bali Government on Tradition, Religion, Arts and Culture.

Anak Agung Gde Rai
Anggota Pembina
Anak Agung Gde Rai is the founder and owner of ARMA Museum & Resort. Through his museum and resort he revives his passion in art especially in Balinese Art.

Dra. Gusti Ayu Made Mardiani
Anggota Pembina
Gusti Ayu Made Mardiana is an entrepreneur and activist in preserving the traditional clothing such as endek and songket. Since 2005, she has been introducing the authentic fabric of Bali abroad.

Drs. I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra, M.Hum.
Ketua Pengawas
Ngurah Sulibra is a lecturer in Sastra Bali Department of Udayana University. During 2017 – 2020, he was a secretary of Lontar Studies Center of Ilmu Budaya Faculty of Udayana University. Since 2022, He is the coordinator of the Department.

I Putu Widhi Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum.
Anggota Pengawas
Putu Widhi currently works as Lecturer in Ancient Javanese Department in Udayana University. He was an officer at Center of Lontar Script Study of Udayana University, specialist on lontar conservation, digitalization, translator of script and language and also several studies/researches related to lontar.

Dr. Drs. I Wayan Suardiana, M.Hum.
Ketua Pengurus
Wayan Suardiana is a lecturer in Sastra Bali Department of Udayana University for over 28 years. He often writes critic about Bali in Balinese Language. Moreover, he was belief as the founder and writer in rubric of “Bali Orti” on Daily Bali Post during 1996 – 2012. Since 2016 – 2021 he was the department coordinator.

I Made Sudiana, S.S., M.Hum.
Sekretaris Pengurus
Made Sudiana is a researcher of language at Department of National Research and Innovation of Indonesia. In 2001-2011, he was working as a language instructor at Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali.

Putu Adhi Kirtiningrat, S.S., M.Si.
Bendahara Pengurus
Adhi is a Bachelor graduate in Sastra Bali Department of Udayana University. Since 2017, she is the academic administration staff of Ilmu Budaya Faculty of Uayana University. In 2003 – 2017, she was the staff of Lontar Studies Center.