Code of Conduct

I. Vision, Mission and Cultural Values of BASAbali Wiki

BASAbali Wiki encourages creative collaboration between youth and government to address public issues through digital platforms in local language.


II. Subjects and Purposes of the Code of Conduct

2.1 Importance of Code of Conduct

BASAbali Wiki (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) realizes that organizational ethics is very important in order to form attitudes, behaviors and assumptions for all Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners in order to achieve the Foundation’s goals in a sustainable manner. For this reason, the Foundation is committed to implementing GCG consistently, one of which is done through the preparation of the Guidelines for Work Ethics and Organizational Ethics (Code of Conduct). The Code of Conduct is a set of commitments consisting of work ethics and Foundation ethics that are arranged to shape, regulate and perform behavioral conformity so as to achieve consistent outcomes that are in accordance with the Foundation’s culture in achieving its vision and mission. The Code of Conduct applies to all individuals acting on behalf of the Foundation as an affiliate in relation to stakeholders and the public who cooperate in various matters with the Foundation.


2.2 Purpose of Code of Conduct Implementation

This Code of Conduct is prepared as a reference for the behavior of all parties related to the Foundation, including:

  1. Foundation staff members;
  2. Stakeholders
  3. Government
  4. Yowana Abhinaya
  5. Volunteers


2.3 Foundation Staff and Partners

The Foundation staff in this guideline are the Foundation management staff, managing director, strategy team, permanent staff, part-time staff and youth council. While the Foundation’s partners include: 1) Yowana Abhinaya who are alumni of the Bali Youth Conference who have no contractual ties with the Foundation but are an important element in the formulation of public participation methods and the implementation of the Foundation’s public participation activities, and 2) Volunteers (volunteers and interns) are individuals who cooperate occasionally in the short term with the Foundation either on behalf of individuals or organizations.


III. Content and Description of Code of Conduct

3.1 Foundation’s Information and Data Protection

3.1.1 Financial Statement Integrity

The Foundation upholds the integrity of financial reporting. A financial reporting system with integrity is expected to achieve adequate financial management, and secure assets against damage, loss and fraud.


Ethical Standards

  1. Preparing and submitting financial reports in an accurate and timely manner, adhering to generally accepted accounting principles;
  2. Each transaction recording must be completed and attached to all appropriate supporting documents and given adequate, appropriate, and timely information, so that the finance department can record, compile, and evaluate these transactions;
  3. All records of Foundation transactions must be prepared with the principles of honesty and prudence;
  4. Each staff is responsible for ensuring every transaction is recorded, organized, evaluated, and maintained for data, facts and information;
  5. As proof of accountability, the chairman and treasurer of the foundation must sign a statement letter on responsibility for the financial statements before publishing the report;
  6. The Foundation’s Internal Audit must convey to the chairman and treasurer any findings related to the Foundation that are contrary to applicable laws and regulations, and these findings must be followed up;
  7. Annual Financial Statements must be audited and obtain an opinion from a public accountant.


Things Not to Do

  1. Fraudulent or manipulative recording of financial transaction data;
  2. Submitting false information or material facts;
  3. Ignoring applicable accounting standards;
  4. The independence and professionalism of the external auditor is in doubt;
  5. There is no statement of chairperson’s responsibility for the financial statements.


3.1.2 Confidentiality of Information

The Foundation’s information confidentiality policy is prepared to ensure information security and ensure that the Foundation discloses information to interested parties in a transparent and fair manner in accordance with applicable regulations.


Ethical Standards

  1. Foundation staff and/or Foundation Partners are not permitted to discuss information that is considered confidential about the Foundation to anyone (except authorized parties who need to know about it);
  2. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners are not permitted to provide data and information classified as confidential to the Foundation, both regarding finance, technology, staff and other data that are believed and considered to be detrimental to the Foundation to other parties;
  3. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners who no longer work at the Foundation are not allowed to take confidential information before leaving the Foundation. All documents that have been made by the person concerned become the full property of the Foundation;
  4. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners who no longer work at the Foundation are not allowed to falsify their identity by using the Foundation’s name for any purpose.


Things Not to Do

  1. Leaking Foundation secrets;
  2. Misuse of Foundation information.


3.1.3 Information and Communication Technology System

The Foundation is committed to following technological developments and pioneering the use of science and technology related to the Foundation’s operations in order to achieve optimal performance productivity. The Foundation’s operations are closely related to information and communication technology, especially in organizing digital dictionaries, Wikithon, and implementing other public participation programs.


Ethical Standards

  1. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners must maintain information technology devices so that they have optimal use value;
  2. The Foundation’s information technology must be used responsibly for the benefit and vision-mission of the Foundation;
  3. The Foundation builds an integrated information technology system to accelerate processes, resource efficiency, produce accurate outputs so as to support the improvement of the Foundation’s performance;
  4. The foundation facilitates information technology development and training programs in order to have human resources who always keep up with the development of information technology;
  5. Using original information technology products from reliable manufacturers.


Things Not to Do

  1. Negligence in website and work equipment maintenance;
  2. Damaging information technology devices;
  3. Use of information technology devices that are not original and from irresponsible manufacturers;
  4. Misuse of information technology for purposes outside the interests of the Foundation.


3.1.4 Archiving Foundation’s Documents and Data

Proper document storage will assist the Foundation in storing historical data and providing supporting documents, so that complete information is available when experiencing various problems that may occur in the future easily. Documents that need to be stored include those related to operational data, financial data, digital platform user data, website data and legal data in the form of all records containing data, information, reports, transactions related to the Foundation’s business / activities.


Ethical Standards

  1. Document administration is done systematically so that it is easy to search and available when data is needed;
  2. Data processing and storage is done by avoiding duplication to be efficient while still having a complete data unit with high integrity so as to provide relevant information;
  3. Data and document storage should have backups and be available in hardcopy as much as possible;
  4. The age of data and document storage, both physical and electronic, must comply with the provisions of applicable laws and Foundation policies so as to meet the need for complete information or data.


Things Not to Do

  1. Disorganized archiving of Foundation documents and data;
  2. Inappropriate document storage;
  3. Storage that is not backed up;
  4. Ignoring document retention age rules.


3.1.5 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

The Foundation is committed to respecting the owners of intellectual property rights protected by intellectual property laws. Intellectual property means creations such as innovations, literature, artistic works, inventions, symbols, images, animations, videos and designs used in the Foundation’s activities, including copyrights, trademarks, patents and other related rights.


Ethical Standards

  1. Foundation staff and/or Foundation partners must actively participate to protect intellectual property rights of the Foundation, platform users, and third parties used in the Foundation’s publication content;
  2. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners who participate / work in the development of a process or product that will be used by the Foundation must treat information related to the process or product as the property of the foundation both during the work period and after the person concerned no longer works at the Foundation;
  3. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners must inform the results of the work they produce both during and outside working hours in accordance with their duties, facilitated and / or financed by the Foundation, then the Foundation is entitled to all benefits (exclusive benefits) from patents and others related to the work;
  4. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners who have made inventions or creations can report to the Foundation management. If the invention or creation in whole or in part uses the Foundation’s facilities or is related to activities that have been planned or carried out by the Foundation, the property rights to intellectual property for the invention fully belong to the Foundation;
  5. If the Foundation decides not to use the invention or creation, then the person concerned, by obtaining approval from the Foundation management, is allowed to make his invention or creation as a personal intellectual property right;
  6. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners must respect the intellectual property rights of others because any unauthorized use of other people’s intellectual property rights can result in the Foundation bearing civil lawsuits and compensation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Conveying or leaking information about a new product, content, or innovation prior to an official decision by the Foundation’s strategy team;
  2. Introducing a new product, creation or content before any checks on IPR infringement;
  3. Receiving and publishing information related to intellectual property rights from third parties without first consulting the strategy team, where there are confidentiality or legal conditions that must be maintained;
  4. Using intellectual property rights or information related to the Foundation’s intellectual property rights with other parties without going through official procedures established by the Foundation;
  5. Using the services of a person who previously worked at another organization without providing protection and prevention against that person leaking or using the organization’s proprietary information.


3.2 Supervision and Protection of Foundation’s Assets

Supervision and use of the Foundation’s assets are intended to ensure that all assets, whether physical, financial, intellectual property rights and other assets are optimally used and protected.


Ethical Standards

  1. The Foundation records its assets and income accurately, reliably and in a timely manner. Negligence in recording assets and income or providing facts that are not true, can lead to fraud and can lead to criminal and civil charges against the Foundation;
  2. Every Foundation staff and/or Foundation Partner is prohibited from using Foundation assets other than for the benefit of the Foundation;
  3. The Foundation’s assets must be used responsibly. Each individual is responsible for protecting the assets against waste, loss, damage, misuse, theft, embezzlement, or trespass;
  4. Foundation assets must be properly maintained and cared for. In the event of potential damage, the asset must be immediately reported to the authorized parties in the Foundation;
  5. Asset protection includes protection against natural disasters, criminal acts, and human negligence.


Things Not to Do

  1. Inaccurate recording of assets such as over-recording of costs, depreciation, or incorrect performance hours;
  2. Misuse of Foundation assets;
  3. Assets are overused, unauthorizedly transferred or written off.
  4. Assets are not maintained and cared for according to procedures.


3.3 Protection of Foundation Staff and Foundation Partners

3.3.1 Staff and Volunteer Management

Staff is any person with contract status who works full-time or part-time for the Foundation. Volunteer is any person who works voluntarily in the Foundation’s activities.


Ethical Standards

  1. Obeying applicable regulations, including those governing freedom of association, assembly and expression;
  2. Treating staff fairly regardless of religious background/beliefs, race/ethnicity, personal relationships (friendship and kinship), skin color, nationality, gender (including pregnancy), or other characteristics protected by law;
  3. Using ability criteria, qualifications (such as education, experience, competence etc.) and other job-related criteria as the sole basis for all decisions relating to staff and applicants;
  4. Understanding matters relating to job requirements and conditions, inter-staff relations at all levels, and various work-related issues;
  5. Encouraging staff to practice professionalism and discipline in carrying out their daily work;
  6. Implementing a Performance Management System and provide competitive remuneration and benefits to staff in accordance with performance evaluation;
  7. Providing career advancement opportunities to staff based on potential, competence, and performance and avoiding unfair competition;
  8. The staff dismissal mechanism is carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Things Not to Do

  1. Unprofessional and undisciplined behavior;
  2. Committing a violation of the Foundation’s regulations.


3.3.2 Occupational Safety, Health and Environment

The implementation of high standards of safety and health and work environment is a shared responsibility of the leadership and all Foundation staff and partners.


Ethical Standards

  1. Complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding safety and health and the work environment, both at the local, national and international levels;
  2. Providing a safe workplace, free from the harmful influence of alcohol and illegal drugs;
  3. Creating and maintaining work environment by preventing accidents in the workplace;
  4. Anticipating unreasonable risks from both operations;
  5. Addressing environmental pollution issues effectively and efficiently by reducing waste, emissions and the use of Hazardous and Toxic Substances (B3);
  6. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner must be willing to carry out a health check, if deemed necessary by the Foundation management;
  7. Every staff of the Foundation must attend training on Occupational Safety and Health and Environment.


Things Not to Do

  1. Failure to comply with regulations and procedures regarding occupational health and safety and the environment;
  2. Not seeking to reduce the amount and impact of Hazardous and Toxic Substances (B3).
  3. Unsafe activities or conditions, such as: 1) Not using personal safety equipment in places according to its designation such as safety helmets, safety shoes, safety goggles, hearing protection (ear plugs), and so on; 2) Smoking in places that are not allowed; 3) Consuming alcohol and drugs in the work environment 4) Using chemicals that are not labeled; 5) Open and unsafe cables; 6) Obstructed emergency exits.


3.3.3 Equality, Harassment, Threats and Violence

Every Foundation staff and/or Foundation Partner has rights to a work environment that is free from discrimination, violence, harassment, and threats.


Ethical Standards

  1. Providing equal opportunities to every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners, without distinguishing ethnic groups, skin color, religion, gender, age, disability, and marital status;
  2. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner does not make physical or non-physical threats to others who honestly and openly report violations, including against other staff who cooperate in investigating violations;
  3. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner does not take offensive actions with discriminatory motives related to ethnic background, religion, race, physical and so on;
  4. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner does not commit acts of physical or non-physical harassment which can be interpreted as insults against coworkers, superiors or subordinates;
  5. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner does not take advantage of the position or position to force and provoke their coworkers, superiors or subordinates for certain interests or other interests that are believed and considered to be able to endanger the Foundation;
  6. Every Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partner does not commit acts that disturb order and create unrest in the work environment.


Things Not to Do

  1. Offense motivated by discrimination;
  2. Coercion and provocation;
  3. Make physical and non-physical threats;
  4. Committing workplace insults.


3.4 Internal Foundation Relations

3.4.1 Permanent staff

Permanent staff are Foundation staff who work full time for the Foundation.


Ethical Standards

  1. Permanent staff must be present at the Foundation office at least three times a week and work 8 hours a day on weekdays, both online and in the office;
  2. Permanent staff receive regular wages and benefits in accordance with the Foundation’s provisions;
  3. Permanent staff are required to participate in all Foundation activities and perform work in accordance with their division;


Things Not to Do

  1. Having a conflict of interest with the Foundation’s activities;
  2. Not informing the Foundation if permission is due to illness, religious ceremonies or other urgent activities.


3.4.2 Part-time Staff

Part-time staff are staff who are on a limited contract with the Foundation and have a period of employment.


Ethical Standards

  1. Part-time staff participate in maintaining the good name of the Foundation in all their activities during and after their time with the Foundation.
  2. Part-time staff have rights and obligations set by the Foundation in accordance with their capacity and capability within the Foundation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Utilizing the name and assets of the Foundation for activities outside the capacity and responsibility of the Foundation;
  2. Bringing down the image of the Foundation through attitude and behavior.


3.4.3 Youth Council

Youth Council are auxiliary staff who are contracted by the Foundation for a period of one year and do not have full obligations to the Foundation like full staff.


Ethical Standards

  1. The Youth Council shall hold regular meetings at the Foundation’s office to discuss matters related to assisting the Foundation’s activities;
  2. The Youth Council assists the full staff in the design and implementation of Foundation activities;
  3. The Youth Council acts as a companion and director of Yowana Abhinaya;
  4. The Youth Council earns a non-permanent remuneration in accordance with its contribution to the Foundation’s activities.
  5. The Youth Council introduces the Foundation’s activities and programs to the general public.
  6. The Youth Council participates in maintaining the good name of the Foundation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Neglect to carry out duties as a Youth Council;
  2. Using facilities or offices without the knowledge of the Foundation.


3.4.4 Volunteers

Volunteers are volunteers or interns who assist the Foundation’s activities on an occasional basis or for a short period of time.


Ethical Standards

  1. Volunteers and interns participate in maintaining the good name of the Foundation in all their activities during and after their time with the Foundation.
  2. Volunteers and interns have rights and obligations determined by the Foundation in accordance with their capacity and capability within the Foundation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Utilizing the name and assets of the Foundation for activities outside the capacity and responsibility of the Foundation;
  2. Bringing down the image of the Foundation through attitude and behavior.


3.5 External Foundation Relations

BASAbali Wiki Foundation collaborates with various parties, ranging from donors, replication teams in various regions throughout Indonesia, schools, universities, government agencies, and the general public. This relationship is established both formally (formal), informally and non-formally. Formal relationships are characterized by the existence of minutes, official letters, letters of agreement or PKS, while informal and non-formal relationships take place between the Foundation and Wikithon Public Participation participants, platform users and netizens.


3.5.1 Relationship with Donors

The Foundation is committed to always striving to meet the achievement targets and outcomes set in the grant or donation. The Foundation is also committed to growing the Foundation’s activities optimally and sustainably based on the principles and values of a mutually beneficial Foundation so that it can provide optimal reciprocity and contribution to donors or grantors.


Ethical Standards

  1. Every reporting, statement and disclosure of information to donors is done clearly, accurately, completely and does not contain things that can be misinterpreted;
  2. Provide equal treatment (fair) to donors to be able to exercise their rights in accordance with the agreement and applicable laws and regulations;
  3. Communication and cooperation with donors is carried out by a special division in the Foundation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Communication with donors is carried out by various parties;
  2. Reports to donors are not timely, accurate and complete;


3.5.2 Relationship with Replication Team

The foundation (as part of the BASAibu Wiki) is working with replication teams in several regions in Indonesia.


Ethical Standards

  1. The Foundation regularly meets with the replication team to discuss the timeline of activities and general matters.
  2. Cooperation on technical matters related to each team’s activities is carried out regularly.
  3. The Foundation does not intervene in the programs or activities of replication teams in other regions.
  4. As an organization under the umbrella of BASAibu Wiki, both the Foundation and the replication teams in other regions have a shared responsibility to develop programs and activities in accordance with the terms of the grants and donations specifically addressed to each replication team.


Things Not to Do

  1. Intervene substantially in the replication team’s program or activities.
  2. Conduct activities outside the general norms within the BASaibu Wiki umbrella.
  3. Conduct activities outside the terms of the grant or donation.


3.5.3 Relationships with Schools and Universities

In developing its activities, the Foundation cooperates with formal educational institutions both schools and universities, especially related to Public Participation Wikithon competition activities, FGDs, formulation of policy proposals, and internship activities that are held regularly and incidentally.


Ethical Standards

  1. The foundation cooperates with schools and colleges based on the principles of nonprofit and mutualism;
  2. In carrying out cooperation with schools and universities, the Foundation always carries out formal procedures according to the rules that apply in each institution;
  3. Cooperation with schools and universities is carried out by designated representatives or divisions;
  4. Cooperation with schools and universities should consider the principles of efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. Maintain the reputation of the schools and colleges they work with.


Things Not to Do

  1. Organizing cooperation without the knowledge of the strategy team and Foundation management;
  2. Conducting cooperation outside the Foundation’s priority programs.


3.5.4 Relationship with Other NGOs

Non-governmental organizations include private for-profit/nonprofit institutions, activist, artistic, social or other cultural institutions.


Ethical Standards

  1. The foundation cooperates with non-governmental profit/nonprofit organizations, artists, activists, traditional customary institutions, or other nonprofit institutions in the principle of mutualism;
  2. In carrying out cooperation with other non-governmental organizations, the Foundation always carries out formality procedures according to the rules that apply in each organization;
  3. Cooperation with other nongovernmental organizations is carried out by designated representatives or divisions;
  4. Cooperation with other nongovernmental organizations should consider the principles of efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. Maintain the reputation of other nongovernmental organizations with whom you work.


Things Not to Do

  1. Organizing cooperation without the knowledge of the strategy team and Foundation management;
  2. Conducting cooperation outside the Foundation’s priority programs.


3.5.5 Relationship with Yowana Abhinaya

Yowana Abhinaya are the alumni of the Bali Youth Conference organized by the Foundation. Yowana Abhinaya members consist of high school / vocational school student representatives from all districts / cities in Bali, Pasikian Yowana representatives, student representatives and other youth organizations who were participants in the Bali Youth Conference.


Ethical Standards

  1. The Foundation through the Youth Council regularly organizes activities with Yowana Abhinaya as youth representatives from all districts/cities in Bali;
  2. The foundation works together with Yowana Abhinaya on the principles of voluntarism, awareness, and pride as representatives of Balinese youth;
  3. The Foundation invites and provides skills development to Yowana Abhinaya to actively participate in public issues in their respective districts;
  4. The Foundation involves Yowana Abhinaya in the formulation of methods or strategies for the Foundation’s activities, especially those related to public participation.


Things Not to Do

  1. Involving Yowana Abhinaya in activities outside the provisions of the Foundation and applicable laws;
  2. Involving Yowana Abhinaya in activities that interfere with their school, study or work activities;
  3. Involving Yowana Abhinaya in political activities.


3.5.6 Relationship with netizen

The Foundation has an active official social media. Social media is one of the spearheads of the Foundation’s activities related to public participation. Thus, the relationship with netizens becomes very intensive and extensive.


Ethical Standards

  1. Any content published through the Foundation’s official social media must be approved and curated by the Strategy Team;
  2. Comments, criticisms, suggestions or responses that are considered important from netizens must be discussed first with the Strategy Team before responding back in order to maintain the credibility and reputation of the Foundation;
  3. The Foundation appoints a social media team that is responsible for communication via social media.


Things Not to Do

  1. Upload any commercial or political content on the Foundation’s official social media;
  2. Using the Foundation’s official social media accounts outside of the Foundation’s purpose and vision-mission;
  3. Replying or responding to netizen comments outside the boundaries of ethics and norms.


3.5.7 Relationship with Government Agencies

In carrying out its vision, the Foundation also collaborates with various government agencies.


Ethical Standards

  1. The foundation cooperates with government agencies based on the principle of mutualism;
  2. In carrying out cooperation with government agencies, the Foundation always carries out formal procedures according to the rules that apply in each institution;
  3. Cooperation with government agencies is carried out by designated representatives or divisions;
  4. Cooperation with government institutions must consider the principles of efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. Maintain the reputation of the government agency you are working with.


Things Not to Do

  1. Violating government rules and regulations;
  2. Organizing cooperation without the knowledge of the strategy team and Foundation management;
  3. Conducting cooperation outside the Foundation’s priority programs;
  4. Submission of inaccurate or incomplete Foundation information or data required by the government.


3.5.8 Community Relations and Social Responsibility

In accordance with the principle of public participation carried out by the Foundation, relations with the community and social responsibility must absolutely be carried out. Relations with the community are manifested in the implementation of the Public Participation Wikithon competition, webinars and skill development workshops, focus group discussions (FGDs) and the formulation of policy proposals. Meanwhile, the social responsibility (CSR) carried out by the Foundation includes the development and preservation of Balinese language, literature and culture on an ongoing basis, both through digital platforms, courses and online Q&A.

The Foundation’s social responsibility also includes the involvement of minority communities and people with disabilities through various Foundation activities.


Ethical Standards

  1. The Foundation establishes relationships with the community through official channels that have been determined by the Foundation;
  2. The Foundation’s social responsibility is carried out on the principles of equality and togetherness;
  3. The foundation must involve women and people with disabilities in its activities.
  4. The amount of women’s involvement in the Foundation must be at least equal or 60:40 with men.


Things Not to Do

  1. Providing assistance or donations outside the provisions of donors, grants and Foundation programs;
  2. Discriminate against women, minorities and the disabled;
  3. Causing damage to ecosystems and the environment.


3.5.9 Giving and Receiving

Acceptance and provision of gifts, gratuities or awards can cause conflicts of interest and a decrease in public confidence in the integrity of the Foundation. Therefore, the Foundation sets ethical standards that specifically regulate the acceptance and provision of gifts, gratuities and awards from third parties outside the Foundation.


Ethical Standards

  1. Prohibiting to give or promise, either directly or indirectly gifts to parties related to the Foundation, where the gift is known or reasonably suspected to be intended to influence or move the parties to do or not do something in their position that is contrary to their obligations;
  2. Prohibited from accepting gifts from any party, knowing and reasonably suspecting that the gift is given to induce to do or not to do something in his/her position, which is contrary to his/her obligations;
  3. It is prohibited to receive compensation for the performance of their duties and obligations, among others by deducting or taking part of the amount of payment from third parties;
  4. The Foundation can provide prizes for the benefit of Wikithon competitions, social media quizzes, and donations / donations for the benefit of the Foundation’s social responsibility (CSR) in accordance with applicable regulations by prioritizing the principle of accountability.


Things Not to Do

  1. All forms of giving and receiving for the purpose of bribery;
  2. Unaccountable management of foundation social responsibility (CSR) funds.


3.5.10 Conflict of Interest

The Foundation realizes that every Foundation staff and/or Foundation Partner has the right to take part in any legitimate activity outside of their work while still paying attention to obligations to the Foundation. Such activities must be legitimate and free from conflicts of interest with their responsibilities as Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners.


Ethical Standards

  1. Avoiding actions or relationships that may create conflicts with the work or interests of the Foundation;
  2. Avoiding acts of misuse of resources, intellectual property, time and Foundation facilities including office equipment;
  3. Notify with a written explanation to the Foundation regarding the activities of Foundation staff outside the Foundation, other businesses or any relationships that may cause conflicts of interest with the Foundation;
  4. Obtain approval from the Foundation before accepting a position in another institution, where the Foundation may have a relationship with the institution or have the opportunity to establish cooperation;
  5. Foundation staff are not allowed to have conflicts of interest in the process and decision making of the Foundation;


Things Not to Do

  1. Receiving gratuities from outside parties while Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners are in a position that can influence or be seen to influence the Foundation’s decision on the gratuity giver;
  2. Misusing Foundation resources, position or influence of Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners to promote or assist other businesses;
  3. Relationships in any form that are detrimental to the interests of the Foundation.


3.5.11 Rewards and Political Participation

Improper payments (rewards) and political participation are considered to have the effect of potential conflicts of interest and can reduce public trust. The Foundation is committed to regulating provisions related to improper payments (rewards) and the involvement of Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners in practical politics.


Ethical Standards

  1. In all its activities, the Foundation is completely free from practical politics and discrimination.
  2. It is prohibited to donate Foundation funds or Foundation assets for political purposes both at home and abroad;
  3. Under any circumstances, it is prohibited to give, offer, either directly or indirectly, a valuable reward (money, goods or services) to government officials and parties outside the Foundation to obtain unfair advantages and / or preferential treatment such as to accelerate administrative actions;
  4. This policy does not prohibit the provision of legitimate reimbursements, for example for accommodation and travel expenses borne by parties outside the Foundation that are directly related to the Foundation’s activities or to the implementation of a cooperation contract;


Things Not to Do

  1. Rewarding officials for taking care of administration and licensing;
  2. Participating and providing financial support in political campaigns;
  3. Cooperate with third parties who: 1) have been accused and/or proven to carry out unauthorized activities; 2) have been involved in legal cases or have a bad reputation.


IV. Implementation Instructions

4.1 Commitment Statement

  1. All Foundation staff must read, understand and implement the contents of this Foundation Code of Ethics properly and correctly;
  2. All Foundation staff must sign a personal commitment statement to obey and implement the Foundation’s Code of Ethics consistently and responsibly;
  3. The Foundation is obliged to carry out administrative and supervisory functions for compliance with the signing of the commitment statement to ensure that all Foundation staff have read and understood this Foundation Code of Ethics.


4.2 Socialization

Socialization is an important stage of the implementation of the Foundation’s Code of Ethics. The Foundation carries out socialization effectively and thoroughly by paying attention to the following matters:

  1. Linking the application of ethics as an integral part of the activities and assessment of the Foundation’s performance targets;
  2. Developing the Foundation’s Code of Ethics and if necessary can be further elaborated in various Foundation policies and regulations;
  3. Building commitment with all stakeholders related to the Foundation;
  4. Socialize the Foundation’s Code of Ethics in staff orientation programs and periodic refreshers for all Foundation staff;
  5. Developing various media, methods and effective socialization strategies so that the Foundation Code of Ethics can be implemented effectively.


4.3 Consultation Flow Related to Code of Conduct

Every Foundation staff and Foundation Partner is responsible for behaving in accordance with the Foundation’s Code of Conduct. If Foundation staff feel hesitant about the actions or decisions to be taken, it is recommended that the person concerned discuss the matter with the parties, among others: 1. direct supervisor; 2. supervisor of direct supervisor; 3. strategy team.


4.4 Enforcement Mechanism

  1. Violations are attitudes, actions or actions that deviate from the Foundation’s Code of Ethics;
  2. The Foundation resolves any whistleblowing filed related to violations of the Foundation’s Code of Ethics;
  3. Completion of violation reporting is a form of increasing the protection of Foundation staff and Foundation Partners in order to guarantee their rights and obligations related to the Foundation;
  4. Reporting violations that are not immediately followed up has the potential to increase reputational risk for the Foundation;
  5. To resolve reporting violations, the Foundation has established written policies and procedures which include: a. General Provisions for Handling Violation Complaints; b. Management of Violation Complaints; c. Protection, Appreciation and Sanctions.
  6. Violation reporting is submitted verbally or in writing to the Strategy Team and will then be followed up by the Strategy Team;
  7. Parties who participate in reporting violations are entitled to legal protection from the Foundation;
  8. Parties who are instrumental in saving the Foundation by revealing materially and non-materially detrimental cases are entitled to an award from the Foundation;
  9. The full explanation and provisions are regulated in the Foundation’s Whistleblowing System Policy and Procedures.


4.5 Award

  1. The Foundation can give awards to people and Foundation Partners who can be role models in the implementation of the Foundation’s Code of Ethics in accordance with the provisions set by the Foundation;
  2. Awards are given at the discretion of the Foundation.


4.6 Sanctions

  1. Violations of the Foundation’s Code of Ethics will be followed up firmly and consistently;
  2. Foundation staff and / or Foundation Partners who are proven to have violated the Foundation’s Code of Ethics may be subject to sanctions in the form of disciplinary actions in accordance with applicable regulations;
  3. If the situation involves criminal and civil offenses, the matter can be escalated to the appropriate authorities.