Conflict of Interest Policy
1. Introduction and Applicability
For the purpose of this policy, a conflict of interest is a situation where anybody associated with BASAbali Wiki (“BBW”) is confronted with choosing between the duties and demands of their position and their own private interests. As such, this policy applies, except as otherwise stated, to every person associated with BBW as a board member, officer, resource person or staff member. The “interests of any person associated with BBW include the interests of any person with whom they have a close personal relationship, including their spouse, life partner, children, parents or siblings.
Conflicts of interest may arise from time to time in the course of such persons’ activities and decisions. They may arise in their work for BBW with regard to pecuniary or financial interests, or interests that impede them in their duty to act in the best interests of BBW.
2. General Policy
- Every person associated with BBW (according to paragraph 1) must avoid or manage any potential real or perceived conflict of interest (inter alia by refraining from any decision making or voting on matters subject to a potential conflict of interest), and openly acknowledge any potential or actual conflict of interest which arises through his/her association with BBW.
- Members of the International Board of Directors, Individual Members, and members of the board of directors shall declare all their financial and non-financial interests apart from those which could not potentially lead to or could not conceivably be perceived as a conflict of interest. Such declaration shall be made through an online register, which shall be open to the public. Where there are personal safety or similar serious concerns about full publicity, parts or even the whole of the declaration should be submitted to the Chairperson of BBW Board and Strategy Team who shall hold it, and act upon it as appropriate, in confidence, while demonstrating that due processes are in place for robust conflict of interests.
3. Remunerated Work Contracts and Consultancies
- Staff members (including management) of BBW sometimes are employed by, or paid work for, other organisations. Such work may be undertaken only with the express permission of the Strategy Team. The Strategy Team will decide if any portion of the renumeration needs to be given to BBW, judged according to the nexus with BBW activities and the amount of time the external work will take.
- BBW will be transparent in their decision-making processes when commissioning paid work, and will follow transparent tender.
- BBW will not hire or undertake any business relation with members of immediate family, i.e., a spouse, parent, child, or sibling of any of its staff or of its Board members without specific authorization through unanimous decision of the respective Board which may consider such possibility only after the due process ensuring open competition and level playing field has been exhausted unless the family member was a staff member of BBW before marriage, in which case, they may be rehired as a consultant or staff.
4. How to Deal with a Possible Conflict of Interest
- Potential conflicts of interest should be identified and declared by the person in potential conflict, or reported by other members of the movement, as soon as they become aware of such potential conflict of interests.
- Such disclosure or report should be made to the Strategy Team or to the Chair of the BBW Board..
- The evaluation of a potential conflict of interest must be made by the Strategy Team or by the BBW Board. The evaluation may determine the absence of a conflict of interest, or it may lead to the conclusion that (i) the respective person should not go ahead with the evaluated activity or that (ii) he/she should recuse him/herself from participating in decision making with reference to the matter in conflict.
- The Strategy Team and the Board of BBW are responsible for ensuring that all persons associated with the activities of BBW are made aware of the policy and procedures regarding conflict of interest. In addition, these policies and procedures should be made available to the general membership through publication on the website.