Public Participation Wikithon Competition #2

Brain Rot

Opinion Writing + Photo Competition


The competition’s topic question is:

How can we reduce the negative effects of digital media which causes brain rot in young generation?

Submission period: February 4-28, 2024


The term “brain rot” describes a condition of mental decline caused by excessive consumption of low-quality social media content. This “brain rot” can occur due to consuming content that does not stimulate critical and creative thinking. If left unchecked, this condition can lead to decreased concentration and have negative psychological impacts.

General Terms

  1. This competition is free of charge.
  2. The competition involves expressing opinions, providing alternative solutions accompanied by a photo with a narrative between 50-100 words, and a photo quality of up to 10 MB.
  3. Participants must be individuals.
  4. Participants will be divided into 2 categories: students and general/public.
  5. The work must not contain elements of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations), pornography, and must not violate the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE).
  6. The uploaded photo must be taken with your own camera (not from social media/internet).
  7. Participants upload their work on the website by clicking Respond on the shelf “How can we reduce the negative effects of digital media that cause brain rot in the young generation?”
  8. The work will be judged based on the photo, idea, and written work in 3 languages (Banjar, Indonesian, and English).
  9. The competition runs until February 28, 2025.
  10. Jury assessment will take place from March 1-15, 2025.
  11. Winners will be announced on March 17, 2025.
  12. Participants must follow the IG/Fb account @basakalimantanwiki to stay updated on Wikithon Public Participation information.
  13. Judging will be conducted by a competent jury in their respective fields, and the jury’s decision is final.
  14. The jury consists of mental health experts, academic practitioners, and the Women’s and Children’s Empowerment Agency.

How to Upload

Login to
Step #1
Login to On the top right menu, click log in. you can log in directly with your Gmail account. Contact our Wikithon admin if you need help creating account or logging in.
Login to
See Wikithon question on the hompage
Step #2
At the top of the homepage, you will see the Wikithon question. Click the “respond” button underneath and you will go straight to the Wikithon upload page.
See Wikithon question on the hompage
Complete the form
Step #3
Complete the available fields, such as: A title for your work, created as uniquely/creatively as possible in three languages (Banjarese, Indonesian, English).

Upload your opinion piece in the available field (dialects are allowed).

Upload an image to be the cover of your work and include the image/photo source in the description section (Example: personal/special photo if sourced externally).

Select the participant category you want to join in the “Category” field.

Fill in your identity, including affiliation (organization, community, school, institution, etc.), gender, and age.
Note: In accordance with privacy policies, BASAkalimantan Wiki does not require participants to include their real names in Wikithon entries to protect their identity. Wikithon winners will be announced by displaying their username. So, make sure you always remember your username.

Complete the form
Save the page
Step #4
Once all fields are filled in, click the “Save Page/Upload Work” button at the bottom of the page.
Save the page


Participant Categories 

  1. High school/vocational school students or equivalent.

  2. University students and the general public (up to 30 years old).



  • 1st Place: Rp1,000,000
  • 2nd Place: Rp750,000
  • 3rd Place: Rp500,000


  • 1st Place: Rp1,000,000
  • 2nd Place: Rp750,000
  • 3rd Place: Rp500,000

Favorite Category: Rp500,000

The Best Comment Category: Rp250,000


  1. Winda Oktari A., Sp. K.J. (mental health expert).
  2. Dr. Sainul Hermawan (academic and practitioner).
  3. Hj. Erma Epiyana, S.Sos., M.M. (head of Women’s and Children’s Empowerment Agency of the City of Banjarbaru).

The winners will be announced through BASAkalimantan Wiki social media on March 17, 2025.

For further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact our admin at WA (+628115049200).

Let’s join Wikithon!